What has Bush done to deserve the sacrifices of more troops and their families?
While discussing, online, the ongo ing mess in the Middle East; a poster asked the question-> "So Ridge is there anything you can do to calm things down in Iraq?"Its the same question we have heard...
View ArticleLaughing hysterically on President's Day
'm sorry I couldn't help it.I was driving a truck this afternoon on personal business and listening to the radio. News came on with W at Mount Vernon giving a speech. The excerpt played was...
View ArticleGetting the word inside the bubble....
....but did he actually listen?Reports of 11 Republican Congressmen meeting with W, Gates, Snow, Rice, Rove, and others in the private residence. They say it was the bluntest talk they have ever had...
View ArticleThe need for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" in the US
As noted elsewhere, in an internal memo made available to Newsweek, then WH lawyer Alberto Gonzalez, warned Bush that his actions in regard to disregarding the Geneva Conventions as it applied to...
View ArticleVa-5th, when will the Dems wake up?
As a resident of the Va. 5th Congressional district, I have often wished the local Democratic Party would nominate a strong candidate. Virgil Goode was a good ole boy conservative Democrat with...
View ArticleAn appeal to candidates-time to take away their keys and their legitimacy.
Why?Because since Ronald Reagan, the National GOP has done nothing but damage the United States. It has been the party of Debt, Deficit, and Decline. Now Torture. While wrapping itself in the flag...
View ArticleThe GOP can't be saved: let it die
I enjoy reading the more reasonable Republican leaning blogs but I'm puzzled by their constant attempts at reforming the GOP and bring it back into the sane conservative fold.Let's be frank, the powers...
View ArticleA Better Detroit Bailout
Pressure is rising to do monetary bail out of the Big 3 automakers in Detroit. There are good reasons for and against it, but the various proposals all seem to center around loans to the corporations...
View ArticleGuess what- you may already be a member of the milita
With all the debate about the 2nd Amendment, many want a strict, Scalia style, construction of the Constitution and the phrase "well regulated militia" Many argue that means the National Guard....
View ArticleWhy, at this moment, Hillary is not worth supporting
Because, internationally she is a neocon. John Bolton without the mustache. And it evident in a new long Atlantic article where she is distancing herself from Obama.http://www.theatlantic.com/...In...
View ArticleA modest Proposal- Let them repeal Obamacare
I know its heresy, but until the electorate is shown that elections have consequences, they will keep electing the same shameless shills and wackos.Fact- Many Members of the Koch/Rove party ran against...
View ArticleDandy Don Blankenship gets his ass indicted by Fed Grand Jury
For those who haven't been collecting Coal Baron bubblegum cards-Don Blankenship was Chairman and CEO of Massey Energy. Massey had a strong balance sheet, but a horrible safety record. So bad that...
View ArticleWhy, again, Hillary *may* not be worth supporting
A few months ago, I posted and we discussed my (and other's) reticence about Hillary Clinton's candidacy for President due to her unwillingness to buck war mongers, especially her vote for the Iraq...
View ArticleNSA & GCHQ hack global cell phone system- for real
New Intercept article based on Snowden release shows that cell phone communication protection by encryption between your device and the cell network has been compromised for years.Just like I tell...
View ArticleBreaking-Sec of State Clinton used home email server
While not illegal at the time she was in office. Sec. of State Clinton used private email accounts instead of the official Dept of State system. As Dept of State's system was hacked, then some mail...
View ArticleSteps to protect your privacy from BigData
We have been having some discussion here about various assaults on personal privacy and counter measures. Despite repeated assertions that you can do nothing and "Privacy is dead", there are specific...
View ArticleIntel pushback of FBI crypto proposal printed in Fed Govt hometown newspaper
The Intel and DoD establishment has been coming out against the FBI's campaign to weaken or backdoor encryption programs. We can speculate why but the inside fighting first became public at a...
View ArticleHell, we bought it, might as well use it.
Which, of course, is the refrain of petty authoritarian bureaucrats.Baltimore police have been using "cell phone trackers" or Stingrays for a wide variety of criminal investigations; from murder to...
View ArticleTheft on the public dime
You can't argue religion with Davis and her friends. You can't win.However, She cannot expect the citizens of her county, including ANY citizen who qualifies for a marriage license, to support her...
View ArticleDid Bernie just sew up the nomination?
I'm not a Sander's fan and never really looked at him, thinking it very early; but after watching his performance at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, I'm beginning to look more closely and think...
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