News coming out seems to confirm Sander's view of corporate America .
-Sanders joins picket line with CWA members in front of Verizon HQ in NYC, where he gave an impromptu speech. Meanwhile reports listing all the donations Verizon has made to Clinton Foundation and executives have made directly to the HRC campaign. -A GAO study, requested by Sen Sanders, shows that between 2006 - 2012, 2/3 US corporations paid NO income tax. None. 0. Deferred losses, inversions, other tricks. Shifting the costs to middle class Americans whose wages have been stagnant during the same period. This is nothing new to those of us who have been aware, but what does it say about a candidate who has been in involved with those very same corporations during that same period? Been on their Boards of Directors? Been paid hundreds of thousands to speak privately to their gatherings? (for example, HRC was paid $225,000.00 by Verizon). This will be a major campaign issue in the upcoming election, with the right person pushing it. It is one of the very real problems present in the US economy. Think if that money was available for infrastructure rebuilding? The jobs and multiplier for local economies. While I think HRC would be competent, she is not the person to push for real reform in the US tax system and attack Corporate Welfare. Either by law or regulation. Her hands aren't clean enough. R